Thursday 31 October 2013

Why a Congress?

So the Territorial Congress rolls up to the SECC in Glasgow on November 2/3 2013.

A self indulgent, back slapping, wallowing in dubious success type of event, focused on those on the inside instead of reaching out to those on the outside.

Or is it?

The Salvation Army has held congress' for over 100 years. Initially they were a place for many Salvationists to gather, discuss, decide, then do.

This - and every - congress should be the same. As we worship we place God right in the centre of his movement in the UK. As we listen to people's stories of transformed lives we are reminded that. God is still moving powerfully in the existence of individuals. As we recognise new Soldiers, Junior Soldiers and Adherents we are reminded that God has not finished with us yet and that the army is larger now than it ever has been - globally. As we circulate the marketplace (and please look out for the Mission Scotland Stand and come and say hello) we discover new resources for mission and share with those who are doing mission and committed to the gospel being shared in many different ways.

A congress is a rallying point for the 'troops', to hear God's word in the very depth of our heart so we can do no less than go and tell that Jesus lives, transforms people from what they were into what he makes them and then equips us with His Spirit to share that story with others.

Be transformed into a missionary Salvationist !